Tuesday, March 20, 2007


All I can say is... EEEEE!

That's really it, have a nice night folks!

All right you know I wouldn't do that to ya'll, I'm just too nice of a person :D

I won't say this was my favorite movie in the world, and I'm usually pretty keen on movies like this, but dammit if I can't say it's made it in to my top twenty.

Now I'm sure everyone has read some review of this movie or another, but the box office says it all, this movie has killed!... in the literal sense.

I'm sure you all know the story by now, King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) is the king of the Spartans, at this time in history the Persians were basically taking over the known world. King Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) sends messengers to Leonidas's kingdom asking him to bow to Xerxes. The king being the man that he is, laughs in the face of the messenger and has him and his guards killed. (You saw it in the commercial you know "THIS IS SPAAARTA!" with all the spit and glory) From then on Leonidas goes to the oracles to be given permission to go war, but the oracle says no, Sparta will fall. So the king once again be the man that he is, goe
s against Spartan law and takes 300 of his "personal bodyguards" to fight the legions of Xerxes men.

What I love is that this movie is from the perspective of not only the king, but the man that he sends back to Sparta, Dilios (David Wenham) who is a gifted speaker as well as warrior.

And now for King Leonidas's vacation photos!

"Yea that's me and my girl, tellin off this bitch that was all like "stand down homie" and I was all like ya know "fuck you!"

"And this is my you don't fuck with Sparta face"

"This is my buddy Donny, yea he got all pissed off when I said there was no frickin way that he was an "immortal" so he put on some Halloween get up and came and chased me down with like 4 or 5 thousand of his friends"

"Oh this is my favorite, this is Xerxes, he's all screaming because of the biting beetles we put in his bed, funny shit man!"

What I love about this movie is how stylized it was, and although I've never read the comic book (I want to now) I've seen pictures online of people who have compared the book to the movie, at least the look of it, and WOW. Google the movies and go to images and just search through, you'll find the comparisons relatively quickly. It really was a beautiful movie, they were really able to put you in this world using almost every scene being filmed in front of a blue screen. That usually puts me off but this time it really worked, I mean the animals were more fake then I've seen in a long time, they looked more silly than the vampires in Van Helsing (Sadly the wonderful David Wenham is in that as Carl the silly monk... he was the best part I say *shudders*)

Now I will say this, the movie drug on a bit and although the battle scenes
were TOP notch, it was almost silly at times. But that's what I get for comic to movie, I said the same thing about Batman Begins (Which is one of my all time favorites mind you). A lot of people complained the King Leonidas was a bit loud, you know screamed a whole lot, but that wasn't a problem with me, I realized for the time period, he might have actually been like that, I mean he had an army of men to try and inspire to push on.

And push they did!

The thing that really made me happy, and this is coming from a female perspective, was the tasteful use of the female body. And although the part with the young virgin with the oracles was perverse, the female figure was used beautifully. The other time was with the Queen Gorgo (Lena Heady), when Leonidas and her made love for what would probably be their last time; it was beautiful, it was sensual, it was tasteful(
And damn was she lovin it, I was waiting for a McDonalds ad to pop up in the corner, with a little Ronald McDonald smilin away). The last time of course being the rape scene between the evil senator Theron (Dominic West) and the queen who was giving herself to him, to hopefully get his vote to have the senate send troops to her husband.

I haven't said much about Queen Gorgo, simply because I don't want to ruin her with words. She was the most redeeming part of this movie, I want a little on of her standing on my desk, she just has to sit there and be herself. She was wonderful, I wont' give away everything about her, but there is this part at the end where she gives the evil senator Theron his just desserts.

I give 300 8.5 our of 300 scantily dressed men in leather underpants looking all MmMmMmm out of 10.



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