Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Movie Madness- The two month long Edition

All right I admit, it has been two months since I posted anything up. But mind you it has been a very long and hard 2 months, but I made it through, and have a lot to show for it. A new look on life, a new sense of dignity and hope, as well as a group of people that care for me like no other. I am very thankful to those who have stuck by me for so long, thank you all.

During this time, I went to the once place where I can just be somewhere else, the movies. I spent more than hundred dollars there I am sure, but thats the price you pay for some good old fashioned escapism. I did not get to see all of the movies I wanted to, but I did get to see most of the blockbusters of the past two months.

Starting with:

Now being a huge comic book nerd, I was most excited of course seeing X3 and Superman Returns, and if I had to pick one to be the better. It would have to be Superman Returns. It was a solid movie with an excellent cast. Now being a Batman fan, I'm not so much interested in Supermans story or anything really connected with him, unless its some type of connection between Batman and Superman. But I must say I thourougly enjoyed myself during Superman Returns, the movie was marvelous. I'll throw in two lengthy reviews of Superman Returns and Pirates that I did for another site, just for fun.

Superman Returns:

Superman Returns is directed by Brian Singer, the man who directed the first two X-Men movies, and I underestimated him once again as a director, he did a marvelous job on Superman Returns and I applaud him.

I loved Kevin Spaceys (Beyond the Sea) Lex Luthor, I mean how more perfect can you get? Brandon Routh’s (Denial) Superman, was more than accurate and Sam Huntington's (Sleepover) Jimmy Olsen?! Muy perfecto. They got the characters right on the map, and brava for that.

I will say that Kate Bosworth (Beyond the Sea) as Ms. Lane, was just a little bland, but by the end she had me. It might just have been those gorgeous eyes of hers, or that 20’s starlit look she had going on, but she was able to pull herself out of whatever funk she was in the beginning of the movie. Of course the whole movie I'm feeling bad for James Marden’s (X-men)n character Richard White, because he knows his whole worlds falling a part when Superman returns, I mean the poor guy!

One thing I do have to bitch about it Kal Penn (Harold and Kumar), d
id he even have a fucking line? He just stood there, and did was Luthor told him too, like a good flunky, one word: Laaaame.

Jason White, Lois Lanes son, played by Tristan Lake Leabu, this is mind you being his first starring role (as far as I can see) did a spectacular job. He was just adorable, sickly and right on the nose. I won’t throw in too many spoilers but the kid was great.

One cool thing is, if you have seen the movie and know a little about S
uperman’s past, the guy who plays Bo the Bartender is none other than Jack Larson, the man who played Jimmy Olsen in the 50's version of The Adventures of Superman, I thought it was awfully cool of them to cast him as the bartender talking to Huntington's Olsen. It was just awesome.

What can I say bad about this movie? Other than the almost cheesy costume (as Supe
rman’s costume always has been), that adorable curl on his head that never left, and maybe the parts with Lois about to smoke, cause it was pretty much useless in the movie, other than to bring Superman back in to her life, they could have found a better way to do it.

I give Superman Returns a whopping 9.5/10.

Pirates of the Carribian:

The movie was nothing less and less than spectacular, it did what the Matrix Trilogy did and made a middle movie instead of making three separate movies. Remember all you aspiring film makers out there, if you ever make a trilogy, never make one that leads in to another one, try your damdest to wrap up as much of the plot as possible.

It didn't fail to gross me out more than once with Davey Jones, as well as the rest of his crew. It was done pretty damn well visually, I might say they could have tried harder on the water wheel scene as well as the last Kraken scene, but overall wonderful.

I did have a problem with the plot; it was all over the place. I mean sure it was a great movie and that crazy voodoo lady was somehow totally hot, but really, how
can you have so many plots: The chest, Will Turners dad, The West India trading Company, Elizabeth and Jack, etc etc etc. I mean what more can they do? I was looking for maybe some Brokeback Mountain stuff to go on just to top it off. It was a mess, but of course Johnny Depp made up for that.

The acting was the same as the first one, Johnny Depp (who was gorgeous as always) stole the show as Capitan Jack Sparrow, Keira Knightly did what she does and Orlando Bloom continued to suck; what can I say, he may be pretty to look at, but he’s just not an actor. No one else really stood out, there was more focusing on other characters, but it stayed pretty much on our three heroes, or…whatever you can call them.

But I can't say much else than that. Other than a faulty plot and a couple scenes of "that’s just silly" the movie was a smashing success.

Pirates git and arghable 7/10, because of the plots. I may have liked the movie, it just wasnt everything I wanted it to be.

The other three movies: The DaVinci Code, X3 and Cars. They were worth the money I spent, for the time being. Out of the three, I think I enjoyed X3 the most, I hyped myself up for the best, and got the middle, it was all in all a good movie, but it was rushed or according to the fellers over at Applegeeks:

I agree Hawk, I agree. But it still was a good moving, leaving it wide open for possibility of other films.

The DaVinci Code: 6/10... read the book

X3: 8/10

Cars: 8/10... try again Pixar, it took my cheap laughs, and some of my real ones and jumbled it up in to a pulp. I still liked it... it was pretty.

Well that's really all I have to say, other than I should be working on a speech for my Speech class, getting to sleep because I have a swimming for fitness class in the morning, that I usually only get two or three hours of sleep for. I still don't have a topic for my speech, it's a persuasive speech, I'm thinking of "Why you should pay those prices to go to the movies" I love to write and I love movies, so I thought why not. Than I have to make it in to an 8 minute speech, lets hope I can do this without making a fool of myself huh?


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